Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday Motivation

This Monday Motivation was made in April. I never posted it.. most likely because I felt super self conscious about my speaking abilities 😂 BUT I watched it this morning and it was exactly what I needed. I had made this one month before I was delivered the worst news of my life - but here I am, still depression free! I have my down days, but overall, I'm great!

I decided to share it, because maybe it can motivate someone else. Props if you actually watch the whole thing! I promise my speaking gets better about halfway through when I'm less nervous!

Feel free to share! Happy Monday 💕

- M

Monday, May 22, 2017

My Health, My Wealth

2017 has already brought so many changes that I don't know if I can keep this "short and sweet".

If I'm going to get on a real honest level with you guys, I'm going to share some details about my life that might help someone else going through something similar, as uncomfortable or embarrassing as they may be for me.. because I'm here for YOU.

I'll start with the biggest and most difficult change...

March was probably the hardest month of my life. My husband decided he wants a divorce. In our nearly 9 1/2 years, he's never been the one to want to end things. We have had our major ups and downs over the course of our relationship and I've presented divorce in the past, a couple times - as well as did all the breaking up when we were dating. Anyways, it was the most devastating words I ever heard come from his mouth. He's my best friend. We grew up together and we've experienced SOOOO much in our decade side by side. The reasons are foolish and selfish and I won't elaborate on those parts, HOWEVER, while I don't believe this is the right decision, I can't force him to stay. 

I've been having to fight SO hard to keep my mental health in check. If you follow my social media posts, you'll know that I just celebrated ONE YEAR depression free. I haven't been depression free since I was 12 years old and younger. Crazy, right?!  

I think God was ultimately preparing my mental health for this. Of course, he knew Ryan would make this decision and he knew how I would have handled this if I was depressed. I was suicidal over smaller things, so I can only imagine what I would have done if my mental health was shot during all this. I'm quite proud of myself for how I'm getting through this. 

Another great thing since being in a better state of mind and taking all the steps in bettering my life, is that I'm also down 21.5 pounds from my heaviest weight, which I was at AGAIN at the end of January/beginning of February. I was fluctuating so much between September and start of this year. I've been pretty consistent though the last several months. 6 pounds until I'm under 200!! I haven't been UNDER 200 since like 2011. 200 was the lowest I got in 2013/2014 when I had lost 20 pounds after having my son in 2013. It was the number I just couldn't break no matter what I tried and I ended up falling deeper into depression and gained it all back. Gosh, its so crazy to think of the person I was for 11 years. That depression affected my life in such a variety of ways over the years. I'm so thankful that's not me anymore. 

I really have Beachbody to thank for all the positive changes. My team keeps me on track with reading/listening to personal development, talking as a family in our community in uplifting and encouraging way, keeping me in check with maintaining a more healthy lifestyle - nutrition AND exercise. I honestly believe that had I not been connected with Beachbody, I'd still be struggling majorly.

As far as my finances are going, this divorce obviously is turning me into a single income individual and unfortunately, as much as I wish I was more of a successful Beachbody coach in the business aspect, I don't make enough to support myself and my two kids in the Portland Metro. I recently started a new job for Costco, which I'm extremely blessed to have gotten. I was 1 of 17 hired out of over 1,000 applicants!! They aren't doing anymore hiring, so I got in at the right time. They pay well and have amazing benefits, including for part timers! They were also super recently listed in Forbes as the #1 company to work for!! That's so reassuring for me during this difficult time. I also am soon to be a Lyft driver, which I'm looking forward to because I LOVE people and it will be so great to interact with all sorts of riders!

My recent DECLARATION (previous blog post) is still mostly relevant and I believe that I will have what I need in life and get what I work hard for! I know that God is for me and I trust in His plan for my life, even when its confusing or I don't realize its what I need at the time. I'm not all knowing. I'm only human. 

I want to thank those who have been here for me since the beginning, but especially during this time of positive and negative change. Mostly, my best friend, who is my rock the majority of days. I don't know what I'd do without her. As someone who pushed people away and CHOSE solidarity, I'm sure glad I met her and decided to open my heart up to her. I consider her and her family as my own and I wouldn't be the person I am today without her encouragement, advice, listening ears, hugs and adventures. I'm so thankful for all she's done, especially when she's allowed me to use her vehicle and watch the kids on last second notice/when I have no other options!

Our families have also always been a huge help over the years and I can't be more grateful for all the help they've provided - financially, use of vehicles/giving rides, watching the kids as often as they do and of course, for always encouraging me spiritually and supporting me emotionally. Ryan and I truly have some wonderful people in our families and they truly treat us as such. I know not everyone is as blessed and I try not to ever take it for granted!!

I'm incredibly thankful for the small small handful of people I've known for years who are still here for me and take time to communicate with me about life!

Also, I'm blown away at the newer people who have come into my life and taken the time to reach out to me. You never really know what kind of people are in your life until you go through something challenging and you get to see who cares for you and who is willing to give you a little extra time out of their life!

Anyways, this is getting long. I just want to say thanks everyone, for everything! If you plan to continue to follow my "life", I plan to blog more often. I've mostly stepped away from Facebook and don't plan to use it to update, with the exception of photo sharing. 

Love you all so much!!


IG: @renegadesociety22

Monday, March 6, 2017

Declaration of FREEDOM

I've thought about what I want to do with my life... and it doesn't include working 9-5 or graveyard shifts, stressing over bills, missing time spent with the kids, lacking passion and fire in my marriage, saying no to trips or fun and optional expenses... all because I am working hard for not enough money.
It's not going to happen because I won't let it. I'm taking matters into my own hands and I'm declaring over my life what it will consist of and offer me. I will declare this daily or as often as possible.

Declaration of Freedom:

I will not be owned by a corporation that decides when I work and how hard I work.
I will spend time with my children as often as I want.
I will be involved in my childrens extra curriculars and volunteer where I am requested regarding my children and their schooling/fun.
I will spend quality time with my husband and give him my best to help grow and build our marriage.

What are you declaring? Write it down and declare it daily! Post it on the fridge or on your bathroom mirror.

Have a blessed day <3
IG: @renegadesociety22

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Hi guys!!

Oh my gosh, I am SO excited to be starting up this blog!

First of all, my name is Morgan. I am 24 years old and I live in Portland, Oregon. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have two beautiful children!
I am a BEACHBODY Coach and I'm super proud of that. It took me TWO years to finally decide to change my life for the better through Beachbody, thanks to some friends of mine who got involved and never gave up on me and worked very hard as coaches themselves. After doubting myself and envying their lives, I FINALLY changed my mindset and said "I can do what they're doing. I can change my life and live healthily. I can change other people's lives because that's the kind of person I am. The personal growth so far has been INCREDIBLE. I joined Beachbody in November of 2015. I went through a short phase of doubting myself again and feeling overwhelmed with the job load I created in my mind and didn't focus on the day to day, the baby step changes. It was a slow process at first for me. I've ONLY done one round of 21 Day Fix and I lost 11 pounds!!! Before the 21 Day Fix I was doing the CIZE workout program a couple times a week and it is my FAVORITE program. I'm always shaking up my workouts so that I don't plateau or get "bored" with my workouts. Beachbody On Demand, or as I like to call it "The Netflix of Workouts" is such an incredible feature. I can find a workout that fits me for that day. Its freaking awesome!

If you are someone who has started paying attention to what I'm doing, I hope you don't wait as long as I did to become a coach and change your life! I get my first paycheck this week and that's because I finally decided to let go of my insecurities, let go of my fears and just WORK for it. All it takes is to live the lifestyle that Beachbody encourages and in the meantime, encourage and uplift the people you know/encounter in life. My goal is to change hundreds and hundreds of lives by the time my children move out of the house.

My ultimate focus will always be to give my business and my health to God and ask him to bless those areas of my life. I believe he's got my back, ALWAYS.

Thank you for giving my first post a read and I hope you stick with me on this journey! If you have ANY questions or comments, I want to connect with you!! You can send me an e-mail - and we can go from there! I utilize Facebook and Instagram and would love to have you friend/follow my pages so we can get to know each other! IG is listed below, the rest I can give upon request, thank you again so much for stopping by and I hope to see you become a part of my Metro Fit Team! <3

Facebook page:
IG: @renegadesociety22